Friday 10 April 2015

Contoh Soal Pendek Pilihan Ganda Bahasa Inggris ( Multiple Choice ) Terbaru Part 2

Contoh Soal Pendek Pilihan Ganda Bahasa Inggris ( Multiple Choice ) Terbaru Part 2 - Dalam ujian dan ulangansoal pilihan ganda ( multiple choice ) adalah soal yang paling sering keluar. Dalam menjawab soal pilihan ganda, terkadang memang keajaiban itu kadang terjadi. Ada yang jawab asal-asalan lalu jawabannya benar, ada yang menghitung jumlah kancing bajunya kemudian menjawab berdasarkan hasil hitungan jumlah kancing juga benar, ada yang membaca kalimat basmalah sambil memejamkan mata, ketika tangannya menyentuh huruf A maka ia menjawab A dan banyak lagi trik-trik aneh lainnya :D. Contoh Soal Pendek Pilihan Ganda Bahasa Inggris ( Multiple Choice ) Terbaru Part 2 yang akan saya berikan ini adalah soal-soal yang cocok untuk dijadikan latihan. Karena telah diatur sesuai dengan materi yang akan di-UN kan. Contoh Soal Pendek Pilihan Ganda Bahasa Inggris ( Multiple Choice ) Terbaru Part 2 ini juga sering digunakan dalam ulangan semester maupun ujian sekolah. Maka pada kesempatan ini saya ingin memberikan teman-teman beberapa Contoh Soal Pendek Pilihan Ganda Bahasa Inggris ( Multiple Choice ) Terbaru Part 2 . Semoga dengan adanya Contoh Soal Pendek Pilihan Ganda Bahasa Inggris ( Multiple Choice ) Terbaru Part 2 ini bisa membantu teman-teman dalam belajar. Dengan memperbanyak latihan tentu akan semakin memperbanyak kosakata kita dan meningkatkan kemampuan kita dalam bahasa Inggris. Berikut adalah Contoh Soal Pendek Pilihan Ganda Bahasa Inggris ( Multiple Choice ) Terbaru Part 2 yang saya akan berikan :

Once upon a time there lived a little girl named Snow White. She lived with her aunt and uncle because her parents had died.
                One day she heard her uncle and aunt talking about living Snow White in the castle because they both wanted to go to America and they didn’t have money to take Snow White with them.
                Snow White didn’t want her uncle and aunt to do this so she decided to run away. The next day she ran away from home when her aunt and uncle were having breakfast .She ran away into the woods. She was very tired and hungry. Then she saw a little cottage. She knocked but no one answered. So, she went inside and fell asleep.
                Meanwhile the seven dwarfs were coming home from work. They went inside there they found Snow White sleeping. Then Snow White woke up. She saw dwarfs, one of the dwarfs asked: “What is your name?” Snow White answered, “My name is Snow White.”
                The dwarf said, “If you wish, you may live here with us.” Snow White said, “Oh, could I? Thank you.” Then Snow White told the dwarfs the whole story about. Snow White and the seven dwarfs lived happily ever.

4.       Snow White ran from home ………
a.       at noon.                                                                 c.   at midday.                                                      e.   in the morning
b.       at midnight.                                                          d.   in the evening.

5.       The third paragraph describes in detail ……..
a.       where snow white’s aunt and uncle had breakfast.
b.       with whom snow white ran away into woods.
c.       what snow white did after hearing her uncle’s plan.
d.       how snow white went into cottage.
e.       whom snow white met in the woods.

6.       The dwarfs said, “if you wish, you may live here with us.”
        What did the dwarf mean with the words underlined?
a.       He asked Snow White for a permission to stay with her.
b.       He offered Snow White to stay with them.
c.       He showed his interest in Snow White.
d.       He agreed to stay with Snow White.
e.       He wishes to stay with Snow White.
7.       ” Snow White didn’t want her uncle and aunt to do this so she decided to run away.” (Paragraph 3)
        The synonym of the underlined word is ………
a.       flee                                                                         c.   hold                                                 e.   appear
b.       reach                                                                      d.   throw
Text 11 for questions 39 to 41

                Miss Crow has stolen a big piece of cheese, and flew away on to a branch to enjoy it. A sly fox, who wanted the cheese for himself, came up  and spoke politely to her.
                “Oh, Miss Crow, how beautiful you are! What a lovely beak, what a lovely feathers you have! What pretty eyes! If only you could sing, you would be the most  beautiful bird in the world.
                Very pleased to hear all of this abut herself, Miss Crow gave a loud croak to show that she could sing. Of course, the moment she opened her beak, the cheese fell down, and Mr. Fox ran away with it, laughing loudly.

8.       The story is telling us about …..
a.       a clever fox and a stupid crow                                         d.   a felt down cheese and silly fox
b.       a stupid fox and a silly crow                                             e.   a clever crow and a piece of cheese
c.       a beautiful crow and polite fox

9.       What did the crow open his mouth for?
a.       Giving the cheese to the fox                                             d.   Showing that she could sing
b.       Attracting the fox to flatter her                                        e.   Throwing the cheese away to the fox
c.       Cheating the fox to come up

10.   How did the fox get the cheese from the crow? By ……...
a.       asking the crow to give him the cheese                          d.   laughing at the crow loudly
b.       cheating the crow with a fine talk                   e.   speaking polite to the crow
c.       stealing the cheese from the crow

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